cocktail fruit salad recipe

An Irresistible kind of Fruit Salad

As summer approaches, eating a fruit salad is a sure way of fighting off the sometimes punishing summer heat. The Filipino version of this dessert is composed of mixed fruits that are combined together with the luxuriant creaminess of condensed milk and all-purpose cream. This is then frozen in the refrigerator and served chilled. As you know, there are so many benefits we can get from fruits. Every time you eat this dessert, you are just getting your healthy doses of essential vitamins, minerals and fibers that your body needs.

Fun Fact!

Did you know that the idea of mixing a variety of fruits with sweet syrup is a "western concept"? Fruit Salad became a hit in the American households during the mid-19th century. Usually, it's a dish composing of a variety of fruits served in a liquid of syrup or their own juice. It was back in the 1930s that fruit cocktail was marketed in cans. Some believe that the early known fruit cocktail was made of damaged or rejected fruit pieces that were diced neatly and offered as ready-made fresh fruits for fruit salad. There was also a time when people thought that the word "cocktail" in fruit salad meant that "booze" was bring added in the dish, just like with any other cocktail drink.

Now, let’s start mixing! 🥢

Today's special is fruit cocktail salad dessert


Fruit Salad



Prep Time

18 minutes

Mixing and Chilling Time

4 hours and 15 minutes to 1 day

Ingredients List label

Recipe Parts line divider

◻️ 1 can of 3.0 kg fruit cocktail (biggest can)
◻️ 2 cans/pouches of 250 ml all-purpose cream
◻️ 2 cans/pouches of 250 ml condensed milk

ingredients for cocktail fruit salad dessert

Kitchen tools label

Recipe Parts line divider

◻️ slotted ladle / coriander
◻️ soup ladle
◻️ mixing bowl
◻️ container with lid 

Cooking Instruction label

Recipe Parts line divider

1 Drain the cocktail fruits of juice using a coriander or slotted ladle. Drain the juice from the can and transfer contents in a separate container.

draining juice from fruit cocktail

2 Get a bigger bowl or basin to mix all the ingredients. Pour in the cocktail fruits in the basin together with the condensed milk and all-purpose cream. 

condensed milk and all-purpose cream fruit salad mix

3 Mix all the ingredients together. Blend in all the ingredients in a large bowl and transfer content in a container with lid. 
fruit cocktail salad ingredients mixture
transfer of fruit cocktail salad dessert for chilling

4 Put the container in a freezer and freeze for at least 4 hours before serving. Serve chilled and enjoy. 

frozen fruit cocktail salad dessert

Cooking Pro Tips label

Recipe Parts line divider
👍  If you wish to downsize the serving, just buy a smaller can of fruit cocktail, 1 can/pouch of all-purpose cream and 1 can/pouch of condensed milk.

end of recipe banner

Truly, having a chilled dessert this coming summer is a welcoming treat. Have you ever tried making this kind of dessert? I would love to know your thoughts. 

If you like today's special, you may share this recipe and follow me here on Blogger and Facebook for more free recipes to try and enjoy. 

Till next time!

Happy Cooking ! 

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